We offer an authentic partnership that will improve your business results through your people.

Who are we

Kirribilli Partners was founded in Canberra in 2008 and has an outstanding record of success supporting both public and private sector clients achieve business results through their people. Our ongoing commitment to offer a holistic approach to building leadership capability helps each individual to improve their leadership performance; the performance of the team they lead; and their contribution towards organisation results.

What sets us apart

We are passionate about improving performance through building effective people culture and leadership behaviour at every level of an organisation.

Darren Stephenson

Founder and Company Director

Kirribilli Partners was established in late 2008 by Darren Stephenson, following his career in the Commonwealth public service. He is passionate about helping leaders influence outcomes and create an environment that enables outstanding work to occur in the public sector.


Darren has substantial experience in building high performing senior teams; leadership development; facilitation; and executive coaching. He has worked with government and private sector clients for the past 25 years primarily in Australia, and also the UK, the US and West Africa.


Darren is the architect of the well regarded ‘United Leadership Program’, which builds and sustains high performing leadership teams in the public sector by enhancing their alignment towards work priorities through enhanced trust, strengths, self-awareness and professional relationships.


He also continues to value highly his work with the Jeff Whalan Learning Group.

Jodie Stephenson

Co-Owner and Company Director

Jodie is a D’harawal woman and has co-owned Kirribilli Partners since 2016. Prior to this she worked in both private and public enterprises in Australia and globally for over 25 years.


Jodie enjoys helping to create inclusive environments where strength based teams can thrive. She is an experienced executive coach and group facilitator who has a track record for enhancing individual and team ability to deliver results in complex international and domestic environments.


A passionate advocate of behaviour drives performance, Jodie is a co-designer and co-facilitator of our highly regarded ‘Emerging Leaders Program’ which aims to enhance leadership capability of executive level managers in the public service. She is also the architect of the ‘Leading on the Spectrum’ Program which aims to build the leadership confidence of lower/executive level public service managers with neuro-divergent people in their teams.

Daniel Owen

Daniel Owen is an experienced senior executive coach, adviser, guest speaker and facilitator who is focused on enabling people to achieve success in the workplace. Drawing on nearly twenty years of experience as a senior executive in the Commonwealth Public Service, including in regional network roles, Daniel has a deep understanding of Public Sector culture, settings and context. He has a strong record of achievement including successful senior leadership roles in education and training, asset sales and corporatisation, employment, Indigenous policy and programmes, youth affairs, regional economic policy and transport.

Daniel partners with Kirribilli Partners through his co-facilitation of our United Leadership Programs. In addition he is a highly valued and active contributor at our Emerging Leaders Program workshops.

Tina Daisley

Tina Daisley is an experienced senior executive coach, adviser, guest speaker and facilitator. Over the past 20 years Tina’s career highlights have been at the intersection of transformation and change leadership. Her experience as a senior leader (SESB2) responsible for building the people capabilities of a new national government agency (the National Disability Insurance Agency) have given her a unique understanding and first-hand experience of the challenges’ leaders and organisations face when building resilient, agile, high performing teams in complex operating and governance environments. 


Tina enjoys the opportunity to work with teams and leaders looking to genuinely foster a culture of inclusion and diversity, committed to creating resilient work environments anchored in collaboration, engagement, clarity, and a strong values base. Tina is a highly valued and active contributor at our Emerging Leaders Program workshops. In addition she also co-facilitates United Leadership programs.

Peter Bishop

Peter Bishop is an executive business and presentation coach. His areas of focus include executive presence and gravitas, presentation skills, organisational effectiveness, leadership development, team dynamics; personal impact and rapport building. Peter works frequently with the senior leaders and their teams in large corporate organisations, providing a fine balance between training and coaching. His career history includes both extensive theatre and business experience. Peter’s coaching expertise includes a blend of video, training, role-play and performance.

Peter is a highly valued contributor to our Emerging Leaders Program, with a specific emphasis on building confidence for participants with their Executive Presence and Gravitas.

Sue Adams

Sue Adams is a highly skilled executive coach and facilitator with over 18 years experience. She has worked with executive groups, senior leadership groups and organisations to shape their strategic direction though planning and coaching. She has a comprehensive understanding of government environments and operating contexts: bringing a depth of knowledge and understanding of the pressures and complexities that senior leaders face.


Sue engages, focuses, and challenges her clients to reach their leadership goals. Sue has provided executive coaching to SES and Executive Level officers in over 65 Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments.


Her areas of coaching include leadership development, enhancing performance issue specific coaching, building high performing teams, challenging and complex problem solving, developing effective relationships, stakeholder and community engagement, self-care and balance, and career development.

Jo Gaha

Jo Gaha is a recognised leader, skilled executive coach and facilitator of groups, relationships and organisational processes. Her commitment to individuals finding their strengths, developing self-awareness and confidence, understanding group and organisational structures, the development of sound communication skills and workplace practices, and the enhancing of leadership qualities informs her work. She believes that values and experience shape how we are in the world and lack of awareness of these driving forces often hinders personal and organisational development. Her approach is collaborative, sensitive and direct and she has a strong presence that supports clients to explore and consider new learning or options.
Jo has worked as a senior public servant, academic, social worker and trainer.

Tina Bodkin-Andrews

Office Manager

Tina Bodkin-Andrews is a highly skilled office manager with a wealth of experience in executive assitance, event-management, project management, budgeting, administration, and customer service responsibilities. Tina has efficiently and productively worked in a diversity of environments providing support for high level leadership within the environmental regeneration (Eco Logical), airline (Qantas), and telecommunications (Telstra) industries.
Tina prides herself on her organisational and problem-solving skills that offers considerable strength and support to both collaborative working environments and the needs of those in senior leadership positions. She prides herself on her clear communication skills, her attention to detail, her work ethic, and her loyalty to those she works with. Within Kirribilli Partners, Tina provides valuable support including workshop planning and management, diary management, office administration and financing, and ongoing client communications.

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